To reduce the color/intensity of the default virtual cockpit lighting for the default Beech Baron 58 follow these steps:

1. Place the file "fx_vclightBB1.fx" in your FS2002/Effects folder.

2. Under the [Lights] section of your Beech Baron 58 "aircraft.cfg" file, replace line #8 :

light.7=4, -8.00, 0.00, 2.70, fx_vclight,

with this new line:

light.7=4, -7.70, -0.70, -0.90, fx_vclightBB1,

(make sure to include the comma at the end, it's how these "light" entries end).

You may of course wish to back up your original "aircraft.cfg" file. That's it.

For more information on how to alter or customize VC lighting in other aicraft, refer to the folder "Lighting Parameters Tips."